March 11, 2013

The Secret to Steering Towards Love. ~ Tova Payne


I don’t like to admit it when I like things that can be described as flaky.

You see, I don’t dress in layers of skirts with flower prints and bright colors; I don’t really talk about the angel goddesses who speak to me.

But if I am being honest, I totally talk to the angels.

So the other day, after feeling the turmoil around a recent situation of betrayal, I asked Doreen Virtue’s Goddess cards: What the heck is going on?

The goddess told me it was undying love.

Are you kidding me?

But after drawing the card one time too many, each and every time I asked for clarity on the situation, I finally accepted the card and accepted the message: it was related to the betrayal I had endured.

And this led me to the magic message.

Whatever you see, look to its opposite for message and meaning.

Anytime we experience anything, the magic resides in looking at it, and asking ourselves:

How are we doing this to ourselves?

Since anything that shows up in our life is a reflection of what we are doing to ourselves, we allow it in.

Moreover, move to its opposite, into a space of healing—for example, if you have felt betrayed, betrayal usually comes from a place where there was once love and trust.

In order to transform betrayal, you must the answer, “How have you been betraying yourself and how can you begin to shift the spotlight over towards sending trust and love to yourself?”

As a final note, it is so much easier to talk about and identify, intellectually, the path to love and light. However, it is not always as easy to actionably move there.

So how do you get from knowledge in your head to connection to the heart?

The secret is to allow yourself to feel the betrayal, accept the suffering, and allow the emotions to be what they are.

The moment you stop resisting and blocking what you think is a wrong emotion to have is the moment that it can transform.

The transformation happens through the art of allowing what is; the moment you allow yourself to feel as you do, is the moment that that feeling can begin to move on.

As the feeling moves on, which it inevitably will if you give it permission to be felt, then you will have made room for its opposite to push through.

Which is moving to a place of love.


Tova Payne is an Empowerment Coach Extraordinaire. She is an expert in all elements of health—from nutrition to exercise, to yoga and meditation. She writes, speaks and coaches others to live their best lives through living healthy lives in body, mind, and spirit. This year she will be releasing a ground-breaking book on nutrition that makes the mind-body-spirit connection. Sign up for her free wellness newsletter and other great audios from www.tovapayne.com.


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Assistant Ed: Olga Feingold/Ed: Bryonie Wise

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