May 3, 2013

Total Eclipse of the Heart.

One of my favorite hobbies in this world is what’s going on in the sky.

If I had to take astronomy all over again, chances are I would pay attention and actually appreciate (and remember) what Carl Sagan was all about. Now that he is no longer in our presence, I find myself looking up to the heavens on a starry night, and wondering what is going on with the planets, the sun, the moon and these current eclipses.

I have fond memories of lying on vast grassy hillsides in the dark of the night, or the soft sand of a beach when no one was around, and gaze up at the sky with no ambient light to hinder my vision.

I would just ponder, observe, and take a deep breath.

This is eclipse season—it happens quite a bit, and sometimes goes unnoticed, until people walk around in a crazy head space having conversations like “What is going on with the planets?”

The full moon means endings. The new moon means beginnings. The eclipses magnify all else. Everything in between is a reason to scratch our heads as to what astrological occurrences are taking place within our lives.

When an eclipse happens, it heightens whatever needs to be strengthened and not ignored. That weak link will continue to pop up every year, until we pay attention to taking care of business and responsibility. The business of whatever ails us, and the fact that we have no one to blame but ourselves, prevails. Be it diet, relationships, emotions, career, worldly events, taking care of the planet or a general sense of purpose within. These eclipses toss everything into the light, and have either a full moon or a new moon to back it all up.

I think it’s great progress towards a new world; I think we have a real chance at making some dramatic changes all the way around. If not now, when?

This is some heavy duty powerful stuff going on. Brushing aside an eclipse and mother nature is like saying, “Ah, it doesn’t concern or affect me.”

Well, it actually does. I simply highlight astrological stuff because it’s not something I’m terribly good at; I’m just being human at it and I love delving into it. But, I do feel the influences more than ever.

I feel that we have these awesome planets doing their monthly dance to teach us something about the power of the universe. I feel that we don’t have all the answers to life’s problems, but we do have control over our thoughts and choices.

The eclipses are sort of like teachers, with those big moons, pink moons, harvest moons and wolf moons, we have wonder and awe. We witness them across the globe and take incredible photographs of their magic and beauty. We glorify their power, and get goose bumps knowing that something good is about to happen.

The universe is incredibly giving and patient.

May is eclipse season; it is a time to take stock of every aspect of our lives and discard all that doesn’t benefit us in the long haul. From love, to health, to where you live, to how you are and to who you are. We had the first one at the end of April— another one is due on May 9-10. And, yet another one is happening at the end of May. That’s an immense amount of opportunity right in front of us!

The beauty of this is, not only are the actual eclipses important dates themselves, but the after-effects can last for many splendid weeks and months, giving us one chance after another to get it right.

Love, compassion, respect, understanding, kindness, abundance, peace, serenity, faith, hope, happiness…it’s all up for grabs in eclipse season and beyond.


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Ed: Bryonie Wise


Source: Uploaded by user via Hanna on Pinterest


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