June 14, 2013

elephant reviews: A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival > Boulder, Colorado.

“Colorado Shakespeare Festival—with Boulder’s finest young and old, families and couples on dates, & our Congressman #JaredPolis in attendance–a funny, accessible yet true to the Great Bard himself #openingnight production of #midsummernightsdream—not a bad way to spend an evening. Best of @bouldercolorado , top 10 #shakespearefestival nationally.” Photo: @waylonlewis on Instagram

“This is Shakespeare not only for those—young or old, families or couples on a date—who already love the Bard. This is Shakespeare for those who couldn’t stand Will in high school. This is fun, romantic, beautiful, with tons of action, great music, slapstick. This is Shakespeare as originally intended: easy to follow, a romantic night beneath the stars.”


I’m still surprised (to be fair I’m a nerd, I grew up with it, my mom directed various plays, I acted in various plays including A Midsummer Night’s Dream—but rather because at least the way the long-running Colorado Shakespeare Festival puts plays on it’s so accessible, and the setting at Mary Rippon Theater beneath the stars is so special) that some great folks, friends of mine, though “all grown up” are still intimidated or bored at the idea of Shakespeare. He’s fun! Or scary! Or profound! It’s a guaranteed-great date night!


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