August 4, 2013

5 Reasons Why Middle-Aged Women Should Practice Yoga. ~ Barb Pickl


1. The assurance knowing we are not alone.


2. Learn not to panic if we miss our usual six-week highlight appointment, leaving our grey roots exposed, because we are at ease with our awesome mature natural selves (but only until the next available appointment)!

3. An opportunity to show off the new tattoo your kids (perhaps grandkids) swore you were too old to get.

4. We can rock anything Lululemon, Hard Tail, or Prana if we once wore this…

    or this  

…and did this

5. Tune out and turn on!

Yes, out with all of that hyper-media suggesting yoga is essentially for pliable, young nymphs with perky breasts and an unflinching core, effortlessly busting out a difficult arm-balancing pose on some tropical beach, wearing only a veil. Not so. Granted, they do exist and it’s a beautiful thing, but get over it. You’re missing the whole point!

So your personal odometer has turned over a few times, perhaps feeling like a piece of “checked”, reinforced Samsonite luggage in a world of easily maneuvered, compact carry-ons nicely fitting into those tiny overhead bins. I felt like that for far too long, and I’m here to remind you that you are a beautiful, dynamic, fluid, sexy (yes-that too!), vital, and, more importantly, divine human being.

I have practiced with some amazing young folks and numerous inspirational, lovely and seasoned souls, such as an elderly blind woman whose grace leaves me breathless, and a gentleman recovering from a stroke whose determination to rediscover a sense of balance leaves me humbly staggered.

That, dearie, is what yoga is all about—reconnecting to your unbroken and whole divine true nature: your forgotten playful, spontaneous inner love-child, guru or, perhaps, hippie.

In the process you’ll learn to chill out, peace out, and graciously accept how to fully love the one you’re with. 

Even if it’s just you with your one cat.

There’s still a lot of “oomph” in your Om, so dust off your groove thing and get funky!

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Assistant Ed: Dana Pauzauskie/Ed: Bryonie Wise

{Photo: via Pinterest}



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Barb Pickl