July 7, 2014

A Message from the Dolphins. ~ Saira Khan {Poem}


I sat across from a man made of millions.

From his shiny black patent shoes to his dolphin patterned socks,

and his slicked back gray blonde hair, a color so elusive

Midas himself would find fault with designating blame,

I saw treachery.

If character were based on dress I would assign worth every time.

But people don’t work that way: you must listen to what they say.

When he mentioned God and fate in the same breath as commissions and unlimited potential financially,

I went back to the socks.

Imagining the dolphins desperately trying to find someone else’s socks,

someone less driven by green pieces of paper easily set aflame by

a deranged individual, someone like me,

who would not be so ludicrous, but entertained the notion,

would have more idealistic pure thought framing.

While the world runs in bounding strides to freedom from debt, from loans, from taxes, and money….stuff,

so that every “thing” materializes as a personal possession

and retirement happens at the unseemly age of 35,

but who will provide a home for the dolphins?


I would not throw my socks away as soon as the threads began to bare.

I would find some cerulean blue thread and weave in the ocean.



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Editor: Travis May

Image: Gokhan Bayraktar/Pixoto

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