July 14, 2014

We haven’t forgotten: FIFA wants to F^(k our World (Cup). {NSFW}

Oh, FIFA: FIFA generated more than $4 billion in sales from the 2014 World Cup, and is Giving Brazil $100 Million After The Country Spent $15 Billion On The World Cup (businessinsider.com)

Above: “Coca-Cola’s Irrelevant Response to My Letter Protesting the 2022 World Cup in Qatar (imgur.com)

Photo: Mario Götze wants to do with his girlfriend what FIFA wants to do to the World—only, FIFA’s relationship isn’t consensual.


A few good Reasons I’m not ready to cheer for Germany—or Argentina.

Help improve football by preventing FIFA from taking the next World Cup to Qatar.

If all we do is listen to the media, we’ve moved on from reality to cheering for the World Cup. We love the World Cup. We’ve moved on.

Of course, that’s what the media wants us to believe. That’s what FIFA wants us to believe.

Why? Money.

Lots of it:

(if you’ve already seen this video, keep reading).

If you haven’t seen this video, this will blow your mind and make you laugh and cry.

FIFA says: give us money! Give our sponsors money so they’ll give us money! Cheer for your nation! Cheer for your sport! And most of us do. After all, football is beautiful. The world coming together every four years is beautiful. It’s a high—kind of like the best drug ever, and one that lasts for weeks—and FIFA, just like a drug lord, wants us to forget how how much this beautiful high costs in human suffering:

Brazil. {22 Images of the World Cup you and I are Ignoring}

So: let’s keep loving what we love. But let’s do something to make FIFA less powerful, and our sport more just. See below for how to move the next World Cup from Qatar:

For further enjoyment:

Anti-FIFA graffiti appearing across Brazil ahead of the World Cup (imgur.com)

A reminder of what FIFA would like us to forget.

“More workers will die building World Cup infrastructure than players will take to the field,”: an article on the mistreatment of migrant workers in the run-up to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.


> Want to help undo the Qatar World Cup?

“Sony has led the charge, and Adidas has followed suit in demanding that a thorough investigation be launched into the allegations that Qatar bribed FIFA officials to win the 2022 bid.

Demand that the beautiful game stays beautiful from the top-down.

Please tell the World Cup sponsors to do the right thing and demand an investigation. In addition, ask them to rescind Qatar’s host status. Here are the Twitter pages of the sponsors:

Here are some sample tweets:

@SPONSOR_NAME – demand that the beautiful game stays beautiful – ask #FIFA to investigate the Qatar bribes – Demand #FIFAFairPlay

@SPONSOR_NAME please ask #FIFA to investigate #WorldCup bribery and overturn the award to Qatar in 2022 – Demand #FIFAFairPlay

@SPONSOR NAME bribery has no place in football, so Qatar is no place for the #WorldCup – Demand #FIFAFairPlay”



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