July 24, 2014

What is the best thing about being single?

single pizza

10 perks to  being Single.

I’ve been single for so long (single, in modern parlance, can include dating) that I’ve grown accustomed to it. Would I trade it for a “serious” relationship? Well, as long as we could laugh plenty, sure. As long as my newfound love was really just friendship, with a side of passion, sure. But am I in a rush to give up the space and freedom to date or be alone that I currently enjoy? No.

1. Sleeping in bed diagonally. And, sleeping in bed…without getting woken up.

2. Freedom. “I can go wherever I want whenever I want.” No coordinating schedules, planning, announcing every entrance and departure from one’s home.

3. Lonely when you’re single? Get cozy with your couch, get dinner going, watch a movie or read a book or take a bath…or, go out with friends. Or go out alone. Heaven.

4. Shameless fun flirting with or without intent and without drama. Hell: no drama. No arguments in public! No arguments in private! No getting yelled at when the other party is drunk!

5. Money. Particularly if you’re the one doing the treating most of the time, being single means you’re suddenly comparatively rich.

6. Toilet paper. So much of it, if you’re a single man.

j.crew hairy leg legs tights shave unshaven

7. As a woman, no shaving! As a man, no shaving!

8. More time for exercise. More quiet time (as a social human, I appreciate this one).

9. Fewer compromises on restaurants, movies, exercise, evening plans.

10. No more ninja farting. Freedom to wear funny outfits, including underwear all day or nothing all day, when at home.

Spinal Tap: Ummmm…help me out here, add your reason in comments?



The Buddhist View of Loneliness as a Good Thing.

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