July 3, 2014

When Happiness is Lost. ~ John Kalinowski & Jamie Patterson

Alex, Flickr CC

Over the past week of being back from a beautiful, relaxing trip to Paris and Amsterdam, I have been feeling cranky and agitated, and I have not been able to figure out why.

I returned home completely refreshed with a relatively easy workweek and without encountering anything particularly upsetting. I’ve been meditating daily, going to the gym regularly, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep. But, the slightest inconvenience has been turning me completely inside out.

So, what’s up?

I thought maybe it was jetlag, but as the days pressed on it seemed like the longest jetlag in history. And then it occurred to me, what if nothing’s “up?” Maybe I’m just having a few days where my mind, body, and spirit are processing through some things beyond my understanding?

Maybe that’s all there is to it? Maybe it’s okay to be doing everything right and still have a few days where I don’t feel amazing? Maybe I just need to chill out, stop trying to find the problem, keep doing what I’m doing, and just let this pass in its own time?

Whether it’s traffic, rude people, or simply being in an inexplicably bad mood, so much of what comprises happiness is being able to ride the wave of the day-to-day bulls***. Many people think that happiness is about avoiding challenges, but it’s actually about learning to navigate challenges from a more centered place.

In order to do that, we sometimes have to allow ourselves a little more space and time to feel those feelings, let them go and get on with our lives.

For me, giving myself space this past week has meant journaling and meditating, allowing myself time to cry or be angry while also reminding myself of the things I’m grateful for. It has also meant spending a bit more time alone, so as not to inadvertently cuss out and offend the people I care about. I also keep reminding myself that everything is temporary, and all I have to do is successfully navigate this wave of unease because an easier wave is sure to be rolling along soon.

Have a beautiful week!

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Apprentice Editor: Melissa Horton/ Editor: Catherine Monkman

Image: Alex, Flickr Creative Commons

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John Kalinowski & Jamie Patterson