August 19, 2014

This is How We Get Our Kids Organized for School.


We don’t.

We can’t get our kids organized for school without organizing our world first, especially our inner spaces.

These few days or weeks before school starts seem like the end of a marathon, we still have to keep up the pace while tying up the loose ends (did we find all the supplies on the back-to-school scavenger hunt list or that one shirt our child so desperately wanted?).

In all honest truth, we’ll be better off by pausing in our back-to-school marathon.

Let’s forget about all the material things on the scavenger school supply hunt, and check in with ourselves through a bit of meditation.

Yay, right, how are we supposed to find the time?

Well, the answer—if we ask this question—is that we need to take a break, and meditate.

Try this guided meditation video that has beautiful music. You’ll feel refreshed by the end!

In addition, here’s my favorite “meditation for beginner’s” video with Tara Brach.

It’s long, but worth it! Your spirits will be lifted even if you listen to her while fixing a meal, or folding laundry.



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Editor: Renée Picard

Image: Pixoto.



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