November 7, 2014

If My Head is Severed from My Body. {Poem}


When they come to take your village,
See that you also give them a piece of your mind.

When they try to take your life blood,
Do not hesitate to offer up your heart instead.
If someday my head is severed from my body,
I will take it from the ground and throw it at my executioner,
But never stop talking of love.
There is a moment when evil hides its face
And runs from its own shadow.
There is a point when the fires of hate
Are snuffed out in the their own ashes.
Before you lies a sea of suffering
And when you throw yourself in
Will become an ocean of love.
Take the plunge and swim in the waters of life.
It is time to build a new world
Where we pick up the pieces of evil
And fling them into the gnashing teeth of time.
It is time to laugh in the face of impending disaster
And hold a party for those who have mourned their dead
And come out on the other side.
Let us gather all resistances into one
And sweep the world clean in one great whirlwind.
But let us never go to battle with the contracted pettiness
Of a weak and hateful heart.
Love is the lever that can set the world on its head.
Let us all fall together so that something greater
Will rise in our place.



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Author: Theo Horesh

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Wiki Commons

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