January 28, 2015

We are not Our Defects.


Sometimes sadness can be all consuming but we must try to never lose our sense of hope that one day things will be different.

I write this for the ones that have already been lost.

I write this for those who are not yet lost, in the hope that it my words will somehow touch someone and they will believe it’s possible to see the light in the dark moments.

I write this for a friend.

I write this for me.

I write this for you:

You Are Not Your Defects

You are not your defects
And neither am I
They are merely
An inevitable part of us
We are made stronger
By their presence
Just as I
Am made stronger
By your presence
And you by mine
Our defects make us unique
I love you no less or more for them
I just love you
In the simplest
Sincerest way
And all those
Defects and flaws
Make you You
So I love them too
We are all
The broken
Parts of ourselves
But we are also
The light
And the joy
And the strength
That bind our shambles together
And keep us
Moving forward
We are all at once
Everything and nothing
But I promise you this—
You are never nothing
And always everything
To me


4 Quotes to Shine Light on Our Darkness.


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Author: Katie Mickleborough

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: flickr

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