When We Lift Our Heads
Patience is kind to the lover’s knot
But not by the pursuer pursing the sought.
And whispers of the mind leak silent thought
Be it in love, wine or deceptions caught.
Thus our desires will not hide
From hearts that force the mind to abide.
And so in wearing these subtle masks
Our hearts are taken task to task.
To seek the love of love that lasts
And find the love of lover’s past.
Then through battles kind and unkind
Our hearts must lead mind over mind.
And when wicked wishes wily come
And stray the heart left undone.
We lift our heads to the sun
And find our selves closer to one.
So when one is done and we’ve arrived
We find only the truth has survived.
And in this truth our strength is found
With riches and glory our love abounds.
I Promise to Touch You.
Author: Sean Driscoll
Editor: Travis May
Photo: Wikipedia
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