April 21, 2015

The Truth. {Poem}



The truth always tastes sweeter than the most beautiful lie,

And as I turn to face a thousand of you, all the same in your muddled conservative expectations

I spit the vile from my lips, landing in harsh blackness at your feet.

Do not mistake me for someone you thought you knew.


I am not sweet simplicity.

I certainly will never keep quiet.

I am not the one to follow the rules.

I will never do what anyone expects of me.

I promise that I don’t ever intend to play house.


I’m midnight’s secret whiskey ramblings.

I’m daybreak after a hurricane; creating my own reality.

I’m the thunderstorm rattling your windows in the middle of the night.

I’m the bittersweet vines that grown in tangles, only to become stronger every year.

I am the fog rolling in across the sea at dusk; fireflies, and the breeze that dances along your neck.



I’m the reality you never believed existed and I’m the name on your lips as you fall asleep

I’m morning wood, and the way you lick your lips; Bombay and tonics, and the smell of the Maine woods in spring; the gasps that escape your lips, and the dreams in your heart.

I’m simply love.


Relephant Read:

Out Came a Woman. {Poem}

Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Flickr/Dollen

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