April 9, 2015

You (Don’t) Complete Me.


You remind me that I’m whole, darling; that I always was.


You don’t grasp to fill my emptiness or strip away my loneliness

Because you know I need these things, too.

You know I need the stale humming of my immense incompleteness

So I can find missing puzzle pieces in the billowy folds of my wild and weary soul.


But, darling, when you stand next to me, storms cease and I become more myself.

Your very presence purifies my fears and transforms me—into me.


You kiss my lips and unearth shattered fragments of light that I had forsaken so long ago.

You hold my hands and steady the stuttering beats of my anxious hummingbird heart.

You blow on my eyelashes and ignite eager sparks of stardust in the wild mane of my lioness heart.

You caress my cheeks so gently and so genuinely that it reminds me who I am.


Yes; when you stand next to me, my pain melts into caramel and I become more myself.

Your very presence transforms me—into me.


Two halves don’t make a whole, darling.

We both know that.

Two wholes create scared magic that springs our souls to life.


You don’t complete me, and I don’t complete you.

I encourage you, and you enhance me.

I help you dig deeper, and you help me soar higher.

I show you how to inhale, and you show me how to exhale.


We need each other.

Our hearts need to hold hands, sharing burden and beauty

Our souls need to lock lips and do cartwheels

For the rest of our lives.

But, I will never complete you

And you will never complete me.

We can’t.


Isn’t that the most mysteriously perfect part of all?

Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Emma Ruffin

Photo: Flickr/ Wyatt Fisher


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