May 25, 2015

Breath. {Poem}

breathe nature outside happy

Breath fills me with life

from head to toes,
I behold the magic
unfolding slowly.

The head thinks logic,
the heart pumps blood,
the limbs get energy,
the movement begins,
pause, a moment
before it leaves my body.

The rhythm continues
like the musical notes,
of the keyboard of a piano,
creating a symphony
of thoughts, feelings.

The eyes blink,
the nose smells,
the tangible touch,
the sound waves
striking the ear drum,
the tingling taste buds
of tongue relishing
each delicacy.

Pause, a moment
before it leaves my body.

Entering the threshold
the breath fills me again
a beautiful merging
of soul and flesh
in totality,
till death do us part.



It All Begins With the Breath


Author: Ankita Siddiqui

Assistant Editor: Hilda Carroll/ Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: Rachel Erin/Flickr

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