May 1, 2015

The Best of the Blessings for May.


May we all give the gift to ourselves, of being fully ourselves.

May you look directly into the eyes of the face of shame, courageously step into the crippling presence of fear, gaze deeply into the beauty of your own vulnerability.

Even at the risk of being perceived critically and being judged, may we recognize the accuser as someone equally in need of our compassion as we, ourselves, are.

May you always be aware of your mirrors.

May we all know our worth. And feel it. Not in spite of nor despite our shortcomings…but in true recognition of them being just as integral as our personal strengths.

May we live a life where “doing unto others” is a positive reflection of how we acknowledge and value our own life force.

Our Perfectly Imperfect Sacred Humanity.

May we all show up to what we are being called to. What our souls are remembering.

May it spread like fire. May each of you be the match awaiting to be struck, the gasoline to catalyze explosion, the burning wood, smoldering ash and the engulfing flames, themselves.

And may you rise with the smoke and transform into your very own phoenix.

May you experience a tsunami that will destroy your comfort zone and leave you in awe of the new depths of your heart, of your home. From the view atop the mountains that saved you, may you fully understand that those deep waters have been there all along.

May there be surrender.

May there be leaps of faith that spring you out of your cages, spreading your wings.

May you soar. May you be free.

May you each honor your process, from beginning to end, one stage at a time. One breath at a time.

May you be present through all of it.

May your focus be on the complete wholeness and absolute need for both the shadows that dance around us and the brilliance of the light of our Beings.

May there be acceptance. May there be authenticity.

May there be love.


Relephant Read: 

Celebrate May Day (Beltane) with Rituals for Abundance.


Author: Amber M. Serafini

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Flickr


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