December 13, 2015

5 Bold Realizations from 2015 to Open our Hearts & Minds.

field sunset

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” ~ Aristotle

Wow. What a year it has been!

It’s been intense, dramatic at times, full of lessons, inner and outer adventures and major paradigm shifts. Many of us have gone through large changes in our personal lives which have deeply affected our emotions, families, careers, homes, views and spirituality. Society as a whole is shifting into a state of higher consciousness. Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

For me personally, this entire year has been about heart-thinking: letting the mind relax and listening to my heart; shedding old beliefs and trusting the unfolding of life and the grand miracle of the universe.

The year began with a crushing loss that is evolving into the best thing ever. I shed an identity that I’d had for the past decade: school teacher. We moved even further off the grid and into the green woods.

Life has become a retreat, but that doesn’t mean it’s always relaxing and rejuvenating. Retreat can be challenging, too. There is no escape from the present moment. Still, it’s been six months now and I’m more accustomed to—and appreciative of—the slower pace of life and the freedom to work and play as I see fit throughout the days. It is such a blessing.

One. “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.” ~ Socrates

No matter what our methods and ways of life may be, no matter what culture we come from or live in, we are beginning to wake up to the fact that we are all intertwined in this one field of time and space, waves and particles.

There is no me separate from you. There is no us separate from nature. We are animals, and we breathe because of plants. We are of the same stuff as the land and the ocean, the stars and the sandcastles.

Yet our culture of corporations and elitism, corruption and capitalism has taught us otherwise. Our conditioning has taught us to be either competitive or passive, cutthroat or carefree and, most definitely, consumers of media, marketing and stuff.

Babies don’t need to go to day care so that their moms can go back to work in two weeks. That is worse than unnatural; it’s borderline abusive for both the baby and the mother. And this is just one example of the countless ways our society mistreats its citizens.

Two. “Those who tell the stories rule society.” ~ Plato

It’s time for some new stories. It’s time for the poets to rise up and weave some new tales, revise all the no-longer-needed parts out.

No more happily ever after. Once upon a time is now. Here we are now. But we’re no longer seeking mere entertainment. So, what do we do? How do we evolve? How do we unite? Do you feel the sense of urgency?

Three. There is no time to waste.

We are destroying our earth, that much is obvious. Can we turn it around? It’s already too late for the species that have gone extinct. Will we wake up and change our ways? In his book, Education Revolution, Will Stanton writes:

“Every single one of us has the power to bring about immense change. Every action we take affects something else. … We are now living in a critical time in human evolution. A great shift is taking place. The wheels of change are in motion. People are not falling for the same lies, the same broken promises, the same fake smiles and the same deception. We are starting to realise the game being played against us.”

I also thoroughly enjoyed absorbing Spontaneous Evolution by Bruce Lipton. Here are a few inspiring quotes; I absolutely recommend reading the entire book.

“Today, human evolution is at a turning point where an old paradigm and a challenging new awareness are uneasily trying to coexist. We are wedded by habit and tradition to an outmoded view of the Universe, and yet civilization is pregnant with a new, exciting and optimistic understanding of life.”

“Heaven is a practice, not a place.”

“Reframing sin as learning creates compassion for ourselves and for others. It allows us to focus on the consequences of our lessons, take responsibility, and then take better aim.”

Four. What we envision, we create.

I envision a forest in which bird songs are meditations and trees are hugged instead of chopped.

I envision a home in which songs are sung and silly dances danced and sunrises and sunsets marveled every day.

I envision a career of sharing my ideas through writing, sharing well-being through yoga and creating a healing community center.

I envision a community in which we can all rise above our tribal egos and live as interconnected beings of oneness.

I envision love as a wide smile, a strong hug, a deep, cleansing breath into the whole heart.

I envision a world overcome by peace and harmony, full of authentic collaboration and cooperation.

Five: Gratitude is the foundation of happiness.

I place my hands together and bow a deep, heartfelt bow of gratitude to 2015 as its holy days whirl to completion and welcome the new energy of the coming year with bated breath. I vow to speak and act with love, friendliness, kindness and compassion.

Remember the wise words of Bruce Lipton, “Compassion is an expression of human freedom, flowing from a sound intuition of the unity of life and all living things.”


Author: Michelle Fajkus

Editor: Caroline Beaton

Image: Flickr/Rachel Kramer

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