February 16, 2016

Remembering Truth. {Poem}

Angela Marie Henriette/Flickr

This a poem celebrating the Buddhist principle and really every theory about consciousness: how we’re all connected and at the same time remembering who we individually are.

The poem celebrates the dissolution of what we consider to be identity and remember who are on a larger scale. It also capitalizes on some Shamanic theories that really all our life journey is about is remembering who we are.


Remembering truth

What am I?
A far more pleasant question
Who am I?

In the cradle, in the grave
In the heavens, in the core
An amoeba and a queen
Everything in between

I am a god in training
I am a god remembering.


Author: Dilshad Mehta

Editor: Sara Kärpänen

Photo: Angela Marie Henriette / Flickr 

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