March 10, 2016

Finding Peace in Living Like We’re Already Dead.

Jordan McQueen/Unsplash

One day we will all die. We will shed the bodies we’ve been trapped in for all these years.

I think so many of us “so-called Millennials” are worried about this. Some of us have begun a meditation practice in order to be able to still our minds, but the truth is, our minds will be still when we die.

All meditation practice is, is learning to be at peace in the present moment. Allowing all the bullshit in our lives to melt away. Living a freer existence.

Sometimes the world that surrounds us doesn’t quite seem free, especially when the powers that be constantly insist that we are. As one of my favorite comedian’s, Doug Stanhope, says, “If you really had a great product, you wouldn’t need to keep reminding us.”

Many of us cling to the ideas of freedom and happiness, but don’t actually experience them. Happiness cannot be pursued, and freedom cannot be given to us. We just are free and happy.

It’s funny that it works this way, but death is actually the ultimate freedom. It’s a chance to rest our weary eyes or become one with the universe. Maybe. Who knows…we’re not dead yet!

And if you’re a dreamer like me, the quickest way to be at peace with taking risks is to be at peace with mortality. I believe death will be the easy part of life. I won’t have to worry about reaching goals or finding writing gigs. I won’t feel the need to impress anyone with my enlightened knowledge of existence.

We will no longer have jobs or make money or worry about striving to achieve something. We will melt back into the universe that allowed us to experience this wonderful thing called life. We will simply be.

Coming to terms with our mortality is one of the most important things we can all do as individuals. I constantly remind myself that I’m going to die one day, and on that day I’m not going to care what anyone ever thought of me. That’s why I write.

I think that the best people in history have understood this. The tricky part of life isn’t death, but the art of living.

We are all artists seeking to paint a picture of what we think existence is. But the art is what’s within. There is no bigger joy in the world than simply realizing the poetic nature of one’s self and realizing we are all alike.

The only thing that really matter as humans is that we spread love. We must treat each other well while we’re here, because eventually we will all face that inevitable day when the party is over.

But I’m looking forward to death. I won’t do anything to facilitate it, but I don’t worry about it. In fact, I want my funeral to be a celebration. I hope there’s a 15-foot pile of cocaine and people drink to my memory.

What I do worry about is not living an authentic life. I’ve learned that the thing you want to take a risk on probably won’t kill you if you try. It will make you a stronger and more empathetic human being.

So die today. Let go of anything that is not of benefit to you. Take a risk—on anything! Stop letting others’ expectations or your own expectations dictate the life you lead. Live as though you’re already dead, because that’s when you’ll truly be alive.

No matter where you are or where you want to be, you’ve got the beginnings of a great story.

Peace and Love.


Author: Jacob Runde

Editor: Nicole Cameron

Image: Jordan McQueen/Unsplash


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