June 13, 2016

Mirror People. {Poem}


**Author’s note: This is a cautionary tale. It’s a story we all live. It’s a love story. A broken story. Each of us serve to be mirrors for the ones we love. We can be a mirror of light, or a dark mirror. Choose your mirrors carefully. 


Mirror People

Do not ever say your love
Is like a mirror true,
Reflecting back the best in me,
And me the best in you.

Mirror people hide behind
The masks that they’ve created.
Mosaic tiles of good intentions,
Leave razor cuts on faces.

Attend this tale and guard your heart,
With all your strength and grace.
Mirror people hide behind
The masks we help them make.

Lover 1:
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Reflecting my dark gazes,
Whose the fairest of them all,
Who dares walk my mazes?

Lover 2:
I’ll walk your mazes, fellow,
The moon is shining bright.
Hear the cold wind bellow
As I reflect the light.

Lover 1:
You stand there staring back at me,
The moon spins through its phases.
But mirror, mirror, tell me now,
How can I sing your praises?

Lover 2:
You can sing them softly,
Or you can sing them strong.
I’m beginning to see myself in you,
Why don’t we sing along?

Lover 1:
Mirror, mirror, walking tall,
Let me now reflect you.
I can see dark lurking deep,
Moonlight can’t protect you.

Lover 2:
I’ll trim your mazes, fellow.
The moon, though hid, is bright.
Hear the cold wind bellow,
As I reflect the light.

Lover 1:
Mirror, mirror tell me how,
To unlock your secrets.
I’m gonna find your skeleton key,
Or break you into pieces.

Lover 2:
There is no key here, dear one,
I am here to show,
Your true nature to yourself.
But you have to let go.

Lover 1:
I’ll break you into pieces,
You’ll spread light no more.
I’ll pick your pieces off the ground,
And don them like a whore.

Lover 2:
I’m not yours to fix or glue,
To yourself like a bandage.
If I crack the joke’s on you,
How do you think you’ll manage?

Lover 1:
Mirror, mirror, bang, crash, crunch!
I’ll stomp on the reflection,
You felt so keen to give to me,
With your misplaced direction.

You’d serve me better as a mask,
To hide me from the world.
People want to see themselves,
Rather than what’s real.

Do not ever say your love,
Is like a mirror true,
Reflecting back the best in me,
And me the best in you.

I’m a hidden monster man,
My mask is made of mirrors,
Shattered mirrors just like you,
That only made me queerer.


Author: Amanda Balltrip

Image: Pexels

Editors: Pippa Sorley; Yoli Ramazzina   

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