October 20, 2016

Surprise: You’re a Witch.

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For reasons I will never quite understand, witches have a nasty reputation.

We say “she’s such a witch!” like it’s a bad thing. We create horrifying movies that portray witches as deplorable monsters. Not to mention that period of time when we burned, jailed, hung and drowned people whom we even suspected of witchery.

But witches are just people who can do magic! And what is magic but the ability to manifest our clear intentions into reality? And since we all have the power to manifest our intentions, then we all already are witches, whether we want to admit it or not.

Think of any goal that you’ve ever achieved—that was magic! You said that you were going to do something and then you created it in reality. You’re a witch.

In fact, “abracadabra,” the phrase that we associate with witchery, really just means “I create what I speak.” Which we all do, whether we know it or not.

We normally think it’s our actions, not our words, that create our reality. But our actions come from our words. Our words are the seeds of our actions, which are the seeds of our reality. We would never wash our car if we didn’t first have the thought “my car needs washing.”

Really powerful witches think “clean car” and it’s done in an instant. Less powerful witches “clean car” and then wait for the next free time in their schedule, drive to the car wash, and get their car cleaned. Non-powerful witches think “clean car” then complain about their car being dirty for a month until their spouse cleans it for them.

Each began with the thought “clean car” and ended with a clean car. Most of us just take a little longer for our spells to work—we cast our spells in slow motion. The better the witch we are, the more quickly we can manifest our intentions into reality. Here’s an exercise to help you more clearly manifest your intentions into reality and therefore be a better witch.

While we may think that our words are powerless, really, they create our entire reality. Our words are magic. That’s why putting letters together is called spelling! We are casting spells when we form words.

We say the words, “I love you” or, “I hate you” and it creates a dynamic, full-bodied chemical reaction in the cells of the person who hears these words directed at him or her. It might even shape the rest of their lives from that point on. And we didn’t even touch them. How much more magical does it get?

You see—reality is no certain way until we say it is. Reality is just “energy soup” with no inherent meaning. There are an infinite number of ways to interpret the reality of any moment, and the perspective we choose cements it into just one of those possibilities. How we choose to perceive each moment dictates the actions that we will take in the next.

It’s no coincidence that the way in which something is perceived or regarded is called “conception,” the same word we use for conceiving a child. By using language to interpret reality, we “give birth” to the conditions that will ensue. We conceive our reality with the thoughts we think.

But most of us live with the illusion that reality is a certain way and we’re a separate entity that is forced to react to the way things are. But it’s really the other way around—we create our reality through our perception of it.

Our beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies. If we believe that we are stupid, we are more likely to notice the behaviour that aligns with our belief about ourselves. In turn, we are more likely to exhibit “stupid” behaviour because we’re afraid of acting stupid. Like what Eminem proclaims—“I am whatever I say I am. If I wasn’t, then why would I say I am?”

Cooler yet, we do magic every time we tell someone how great we think they are. We are changing their perspective of themselves, which actually shapes how they live their lives. We are creating agreement (with ourselves or with others) that that person is a certain way. No one really is any certain way, but by altering the view of this person, we alter how the world interacts with them and thus the person themselves.

This power actually extends to the whole world. If we believe that the world is scary, we can find evidence every day of our lives to prove our theory right. And when we place our awareness on the scary things, the world becomes scarier. The thought “the world is scary” is a filter through which we can only ever see a scary world. Tada! From energy soup, we created a scary world for ourselves with our thoughts.

We even change our own mood, biology, cells and genes with the thoughts we think. For example, grateful thoughts produce dopamine, which alters our mood and thus our actions.

Some research even suggests that thoughts have tangible energy that influences other things, like biological processes in other people, the functioning of machines, the growth of disease cells, the direction in which fish swim and the makeup of water molecules. I’m not a scientist so I won’t give my two cents on this, but I don’t really think it matters. Why spend time trying to change water molecules when we can use the power of language in the same way as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa—to shape our world for the better?

Everything happening in the world amongst people is a product of language. And each of us has 100% access to language, so we each have 100% access to what’s happening in the world. But only really powerful witches have an opportunity to do something about it.

In order to get really good at witchery, we have to recognize and honor the power of our word. If we say “I’m going to stop domestic violence” and then we don’t do anything about it, we are diluting our magical powers. When we understand that everything only is what we say it is, and that we create our experience of life by what we say about it, we know how important it is to use our words wisely. We get better at “doing magic” when we learn to always follow through with what we say we are going to do.

So you don’t need Hogwarts. You don’t even need a wand or potions. All you need is to train yourself to do what you say you are going to do, and learn how much of an impact your words have on yourself and others, and you are (will be) a  powerful witch. You can break the spells that bind you and begin casting those that can really make a difference.

So next time you feel disempowered, just remember Abracadabra—“I create what I speak,” and start making magic!




Author: Brandilyn Tebo

Image: Litviral.com / Twitter , Water molecules

Editor: Travis May

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