September 12, 2017

My Lover Is…

**Warning: Adult content ahead!


My lover is my best friend—absolutely dependable and always shows up.

My lover sees me exactly as I am—flaws, strengths, and everything in between—and mirrors these things back to me.

My lover enjoys touching my whole body and knows that every single part of me can feel erotic.

My lover pays attention to both the obvious and the subtle things. How my breath changes in response to a certain touch, the movement of my hips, the heat rising up my neck.

My lover knows that pleasure can be felt through each of my senses and reminds me to experience pleasure throughout the day…the feel of blackberries on my tongue. The smell of sun sweat. The sound of leaves clicking together in the wind. The flow of the river. The taste of a fresh peach. That’s our foreplay.

My lover likes the smoothness of my skin when I shave and the softness of my pubic hair when I don’t.

My lover is more turned on by my natural scent than by any product I could ever wear. My scent just makes me more me.

My lover always wants to have sex when I do—and doesn’t when I don’t.

My lover could spend all day in bed with me and never get bored.

My lover brings me to orgasm over and over when I’m bleeding, knowing that it helps me feel better and gets the blood flowing faster.

My lover doesn’t feel bad when I want to cum quickly or when I want to edge my pleasure for hours.

My lover knows it’s much more than “just masturbation.”

My lover is me.



My Hands Bring Me Back to Myself. {Adult}


Author: Natasha Salaash
Images: Pixabay; Pexels
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy editor: Callie Rushton
Social editor: Travis May

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