March 20, 2018

Culture Wars.

Culture wars.

Half of twitter and instagram/facebook is just soapboxing at one another, trying to be the witty jerk at the cafeteria table in Junior High ’cause we failed the 1st time round.

If only there was a social media dedicated to working things out, we could save the world.

Well that’s what we’re working on. You can start by “hearting” articles [see the top of this article, just below the title].

Those hearts will go into an article’s rating, and the ratings will begin appearing on Elephant in just two weeks (if all goes well). The ratings will, in turn, determine which writers “win” the week, and get paid by Elephant—and eventually, a la Threadless or Kickstarter, by you—our readers.

Imagine thousands of writers getting paid by 1000,000s of readers to do mindful work, not just think up witty insults. We might spread awareness of climate change, war, sexism, racism, and beautiful things like avoiding plastic and composting and biking and education and art…like wildfire.

Heart an article, any article! 

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,626,200