We just opened up applications for Elephant Academy.
Who cares? What the hell is Elephant Academy, anyway?
For more than 8 years, we’ve offered a sort of online training school. It only gets bigger and better and more pro with every three-month session. The only thing that doesn’t improve is how fun it is—it’s always been fun, with an overwhelming amount of learning, and meaningful.
Elephant Academy teaches social media, writing, journalism ethics, and editing. It offers community, and big writing and social media stars as mentors. It offers peer learning and live trainings with myself and others.
But it’s not about writing, or journalism ethics, or rocking social media—it’s about something far more important: finding your path. Finding your way to be of benefit that pays the bills. Doing well and doing good, not choosing between the two. It’s professional development—a great investment in your current career. For others, it offers a path toward finding and/or empowering your own thing, your own path, your hobby turned job.
Check out the Summer, Fall or Winter session of Elephant Academy.
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