April 5, 2018

What They Said. {Poem}

“Thoughts and prayers,” they said.

58 dead.

“Now is not the time to talk about gun control, you’re too young to make a difference, don’t smile,” they said.

17 dead.

“Stop yelling, you’re a pawn, it’s a conspiracy,” they said.

27 dead.

“Turn the cameras off, you’ll never change the system, the second amendment,” they said.

32 dead.

“Protests don’t change anything, you’re a crisis actor, it’s a mental health issue,” they said.

26 dead.

“Get your nose out of your phone, learn CPR, just be more kind,” they said.

14 dead.

“You can’t stop a monster, you don’t understand how change works, the system just failed,” they said.

49 dead.

“Let’s arm the teachers,” they said.

They said it like it was a good idea. Like more guns are the solution to mass shootings.

And now.

Now “they” must concede,

to fed-up youth, born to lead,

applying pressure to the pro-gun bleed,

a product of political bullsh*t, and partisan greed.

On hallowed ground,

the dead are counted,

young voices rise now,

marching, mounted,

carrying signs,

knocking down doors,

standing, shouting,

crowding hall floors,

relentless, raging,

revolutionary roars,

organized, galvanized,

poised and woke,

a consciousness shifting,

toward NRA choke.

These kids.

They heard the sound,

they answered the call,

a purpose found,

come one, come all,

speak, (they did),

loud and clear,

or be silent, (they did),

swallowing fear.

“We won’t hide.”

“We’ve had enough.”

“We won’t stop.”

“We will change the laws.”

“We will vote you out.”

This is what they said. The boy in the suit, the girl with the shaved head.

They screamed the truth and their message spread.

And then.

“We won’t forgive you,” they poignantly sighed.

“But we will outlive you!” they candidly cried,

which is but the classic, sonic, rebel yell of youth,

forever undenied.


Author: Kimberley Valzania
Image: YouTube
Editor: Lieselle Davidson
Copy Editor: Kenni Linden

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