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December 4, 2018

The Affordable HealthCare Movements Impact on Social Reform

The Affordable Healthcare Movements Impact on Social Reform

Your inner Activist wants to find a clearly defined direction and refuses to stay submissive.  It insists on being fully yourself, whatever it may cost. A profound longing for inner truth demands undivided attention.  Your inner Activist is well on its way to creating social change!

With awareness and skill you can steer the immense powers of your political energies into a positive direction and understand their nature deeper, and more clearer, than ever.

First, let go of all negative judgements about shortcomings in politics and then tame those governmental wild horses with love!

In today’s political economy, there is much promise of affordable healthcare insurance options(, 2018).  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides the opportunity for health care to be accessible to more people and provides specific tax credits in order to lower household costs(, 2018).

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, specifically, the Affordable Care Act has caused insurance premiums to increase and become less expansive in the choices being offered(, 2018).  However, there is a future goal to increase affordable options and allow for short term plans, which will be more cost effective for members(, 2018).

Social movements have three dominant components which include political opportunities, mobilizing structures and cultural framing perspective(Hutchison, 2015).  Cultural framing movements in reference to health care in this country, are seeking to change the way westerners practice medicine in its entirety; while working to change how healthcare systems are delivered to the political economy.

Most times, social movements rely heavily on the influence of other people who fight for a movement of the same commonality.  This may include an opportunity when small movements find like-minded supporters, or endorsers in order to help with funding resources.

Unfortunately, the political system may influence how or when a social movement occurs because not all political systems are ‘open at the same time(Hutchison, 2015).  This means, wealthier movements are easier to access rather than those created by someone with less income. This scheme of financial treason, is what can bring discrepancies’ into the system.

However, cultural framing includes raising more awareness and establishing conscious efforts by a group of people who have a common understanding of a specific concept, or goal(Hutchison, 2015).  Cultural framing is most successful when a group of people become upset, or outraged, by a particular situation once something is considered unjust(Hutchison, 2015). Emerging perspectives are on the rise in order to provide better methods to engage healthcare reform movements.  Recent studies have determined the importance on emotions and human behavior being directly effective on social movements and activism(Hutchison, 2015).

In order to motivate people to create change and become involved in collective action; political leaders, and those in power, must determine ways to cause an uproar.  Cultural framing is an important social perspective, used to motivate others to make an impact.

Humans deserve the right to advocate for access to affordable healthcare.  How will you use your voice?  How will you stand up for the rights of those who are suffering? How will you advocate for those who are in need of support, but don’t have the available resources?


Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Glossary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hutchison, E. D. (2015). Dimensions of human behavior: Person and environment. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018, August 01). Trump Administration Delivers on Promise of More Affordable Health Insurance Options. Retrieved from

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