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January 27, 2019

New day, new Life!

To everything and everyone I lost or left behind, thank you for setting me free!
To everything and everyone I have, you are Love in my Heart! I don’t like to waste too much time and energy reevaluating my life in the past. I was there, learnt it and moved on. My nature prefers to focus on what can be created and celebrated. When I was 21 I left my old life in boxes behind me in Latvia and then at 26 I did the same thing when I left Portugal. What a liberating experience it was! What I have, I love deeply with all my Heart. What I don’t have I give blessings and gratitude to. It seems like people and events come to us for a period of time as opportunities for growth and then it’s time to move on. It’s a beautiful moment of gratitude for the Soul, even though the ego might be a bit miserable as it fearfully resists change. Freshly cut flowers don’t last forever and still water in soil eventually becomes a stagnant swamp. When we are experiencing powerful moments with someone, we should love the experience crazily and deeply like it’s the last time, but when it’s gone we let go with love and gratitude with a deep breath of liberation! When one door closes another bigger and better opens! Each day is a new life!

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