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February 24, 2019

Broken Heart.

Broken hearts seems to be part of life.

I remember my first broken heart when I was 18. The perfect romantic world which I had constructed in my mind’s eye was suddenly destroyed.

All at once I found myself with shallow breath, standing on the ruins of my perceived idealism. I was frozen for a couple of months trying to understand why this happened to me?

Eventually a eureka moment arrived not so much in my mind, but in my core being: anything without ‘foundation‘ is inherently unstable and vulnerable to destruction. I had never allowed the foundation of me to develop, so I wasn’t yet a grounded and balanced human!


This new awareness washed away the self pity as I moved forward with baby steps. I redirected all energies to my inner development and potential.

Moving through the mud of pain I rediscovered Light. It turned out that my broken heart was a blessing.

As light shines through a broken pot, so too does it shine through a human heart. Yoga was a massive part of this turning point as it helped transform the landscape of my consciousness. With new bright eyes I began to perceive an awesome colourful world full of joy and opportunity!

Gratitude to God for giving me not what I want but what I need.

Love to all!

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