I want to go bookstore hopping, like bar hopping, but with bookstores.
I want to spend an entire day just going from bookstore to bookstore, browsing through their selection, and buying books I won’t read for another 10 years.
I love the hungry reading you do when you become completely obsessed with a book, as if the words will disappear if you read it too slowly.
And bookmarks! Who doesn’t love them..?
Although usually I end up losing mine, or leaving them in a book I’ve put back on the shelf, which means I often end up using leaves, random bits of paper and anything in the vicinity.
I tried to make a photo of all my favorite books, recent new ones and all time faves. It turned out pretty good.
Considering I am the studious reader, the studious reader is bespectacled; well sometimes, not very social, can’t pick up interesting conversations, mostly reads in coffee shops and at the library, drinks lots of tea, likes to take pictures, lives for the aesthetic, cozy places and intellectual stimulation are a priority no matter the place and time of year or day, probably a literature student or in a social sciences field, tabs, comes up with the weirdest and most detailed theories.!
As a lover of all things fantasy, I find it incredibly disappointing when a book has dragon in its title, or the cover has a dragon, or any other creature, and then in the actual book there’s no dragons.
You have lured me in with promises of fantastical beasts and fooled me.
And my favourite say to all my friends is this-
“If you haven’t stayed up until the early hours of the morning reading with your eyes itching and burning with tiredness and your vision blurred as you fight to stay awake to finish the book, you haven’t lived at all.” ~ Unknown
Photo by Freestocks from Unsplash
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