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July 30, 2019

A Banker, A Lawyer, A Scientist, And A Salesman Meet At A Hotel Lobby

A banker, a lawyer, a scientist, and a salesman met one another on a business trip. It was a Monday morning; they had bid their wives goodbye the day before. Each of them were at the hotel lobby for breakfast. The banker went up to the concierge and asked if the breakfast buffet was complimentary for guests of the hotel. Yes it is, was the reply. Hearing that, the salesman got in line to pick up a plate. The scientist and the lawyer were on their phones. The lawyer was checking the news and the scientist was replying to a text from his doctor about the infection on his toe, apparently from wearing the same sock day after day.

The four have never known each other. They do not appear to be concerned with the presence of one another a few meters apart. They are all in their late thirties, married with children, seasoned professionals of their respective trades. They converge at a conference at this hotel on a common theme – consciousness.

The banker’s mandate is to find out how to make money from exploring consciousness. The lawyer’s mandate is to find out what are the legal implications of exploring consciousness. The scientist’s mandate is to find out what is the point of exploring consciousness. And the salesman’s mandate is to find out how to sell the point of exploring consciousness.

The curiosity of each of these gentleman may be motivated from different angles, but they cannot ignore the curiosity towards consciousness itself. It is only a matter of time that they too realize that prior to being a banker, or a lawyer, or a scientist, or a salesman, the being that they are is consciousness itself. Then, the angle with which they approach the concept of consciousness is no more relevant because their conceptions of who they think they are would no longer be established. It will be a matter of establishing themselves with the truth of who really they are, or in other words – exploring consciousness.

Raising human consciousness is the only work that needs to be done. It starts with working on ourselves and ends with the self getting done with itself. How to do that? First – don’t go for the breakfast at the hotel lobby as a banker, or a scientist, or any of all that. Then, we will converge at the conference without needing an angle to be there. Here and now, simply. Let’s see! (and maybe with eyes closed)

Yuvraj Goswami is the author of No Point Talking. available on amazon. Excerpts are on and @nopointtalking on Instagram.

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