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March 24, 2020

And the sun will rise again- What I see on the other side of this crisis

Oh I see so much light; so much potential for a healthier earth and a better place to live after we have gotten through this! And we will get through it. I know that. Because we have been through worse. Previous generations have been through worse. So we will also get through this.

Once we are on the other side, it is going to be a kinder world, a more compassionate world, a world with more generosity and people being in service of one another.

I see people experiencing the true equality of humanity right now, because the virus is non-discriminatory. It doesn’t care for titles, it doesn’t care for gender, it doesn’t care for sexual orientation. It just cares for humans, made out of the same flesh and blood and thus of the same whole- and holiness. On the other side of this, I see human beings treating each other with more kindness, love and forgiveness, on equal terms.

I see that people now realize the luxurious life they have been living. A life of freedom and abundance, of ubiquitous choice to be and do whatever they wish (to a large extent). Through the temporary loss of these, they develop more gratitude and appreciation, and a willingness to support others less fortunate. Especially humans who are living in “safe” countries (without natural disasters or conflicts and a social welfare system) now come to realize how lucky they have been so far. Experiencing fear, pain and anxiety for the first time in such a magnitude, opens them up for more empathy for those migrating from places where fear and panic characterize daily life.

Facing these unknown depths of fear and anxiety, and with all this unexpected free time, I see people looking for new ways to deal with their challenging emotions. They will start reading about mindfulness, they start doing some breathing exercises, and they are trying out some yoga – simply because now they have the time (and Netflix gets boring after a week). I see people using this solitude to reflect on their lives, on what truly fulfills and is important to them and what they are grateful for. I see them reach out to one another and appreciate the presence of families and friends in their lives. I see humans diving deeper into meditation, the practice of awareness and self-reflection. Now that the illusion of external safety is crumbling, they recognize that real safety lies within – a safety that is always accessible and unaffected by outside events. On the other side of this, I see people being deeply rooted within themselves and in inner peace.

Imagine what kind of world this will be! With humanity doing all these things, being more compassionate, more loving, more forgiving. I cannot wait to live in this world! I cannot wait to be part of this world. It is going to be such a joyful experience for all of us.

Remember: Nothing is either good or bad. Everything that happens is both.

When we see the “good” in the “bad”, we recognize its meaning in the bigger picture. This helps us to let go of resistance to what is and leads us to a place of acceptance and clarity. It might be difficult to see the silver lining in challenging situations like we experience now. Yet, it is so incredible powerful.

I feel with everyone directly affected by the virus. The novelty of this experience and the fear surrounding it is sometimes quite overwhelming to me. What brings me back to peace and even a sense of enthusiasm is focusing on the possibilities the current circumstances carry. I hope it does the same for you.

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