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March 6, 2020

Freedom To Love

We look for love from others,
And that’s okay.

We may feel disappointed
When we don’t get “it.”
And that’s okay, too.

Us searching for love is so human.
We may feel that we may never
Truly find it matched in another.
That’s okay too.

We may see patterns
Of self surfacing around
Worth, ability to be seen,
To be heard,
To be witnessed.

We can hold space for these
As much as we hold space
For another.
Both can exist.

To believe that our worthiness
Just is, by existing as truth,
Existing as deep soul resonance.

The ego may pout,
And say all reasons why
We are flawed in love.

Listen, deeper, to the voice
Of soul,
There’s deeper truth there.
Even if the feelings tell
You otherwise.

We crave companionship,
Because we are human,
We crave connection,
A sense of “I see you,”
“I see me.”

Witnessing each other.
We can only be witnessed if
We can claim who we are.
Our fullness,
Our innate worthiness.

Our divine blueprint to be who we are.

Deeper reflecting of our own personal truth,
Is deeply human.
Deeply needed.

It isn’t wrong,
When this need goes unmet,
Isn’t wrong when we
Still crave this unmet need.
Feel we can’t quite receive it,
Can’t quite be receptive to it.

Keep wanting to push,
And force,
And control,
And manage.

Egos don’t temper down easily.
It’s just the child asking for attention,
Pleading for some love.
Give them some love,
Some validation.

“Sweet, sweet, soul, your longing for love is not in vain. It is not a silly wish, or a fantastical dream.”

The longing for matched harmony,
In another, is real,
It is valid,
It is so worthy.

And know that your heart can be met.
Your love can be met,
Your soul can be seen.

Keep seeing it,
Keep loving it more.
Even in the dusty spaces.
Even in the unmet desires,
Especially there.

Give your spacious waiting sweetness,
Understanding and so much validation,
Remember your heart
Will wait for you to love it
Or keep waiting for another to love it.

Start now,
Begin now.

Love your desiring, needing, clamoring self,
Know how worthy it is,
Know how loved it is.
And how deeply, it will be met,
As deeply as you seek to meet yourself.

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