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September 20, 2020

Influencer Yoga, really??

A while ago, one of my clients asked me if I could teach a yoga class specifically tailored to ‘influencers’.

What the #*@ does that even mean?!

Since when do ‘influencers’ have special needs when it comes down to spirituality? Have they suddenly become lactose intolerant to the sound of ohm? Is there some kind of a dress code that needs to be respected to reach an even higher state of nirvana? Exactly how many followers does one need these days to qualify for a whiff of inner peace?

The whole idea behind yoga, or any kind of ideology that promotes self-inquiry, is to free yourself of all the stuff that prevents you from seeing the world as it is. It’s painstakingly hard work and the amount of likes you get for it should by no means be a reflection of the effort you put into it. So beware of self-proclaimed virtual prophets who throw big Sanskrit words at you. The odds are they’re just making themselves look good by means of a trending variety of self-entitlement.

I am really annoyed at how we are allowing fads to take over from ideologies that have a lot more to offer. Especially now, with the world being in such turmoil. We are all to some degree being influenced by something, but I much rather be inspired by someone who actually knows where he’s coming from, than by the likes of an ‘influencer’ who’s just swinging his way through life by filtering out the ugly bits.

So, dear client, catering to the highly specific needs of online gods does NOT pertain to my professional qualifications. But I’m sure the right hashtag will come along & take you straight to the person most fit for the job. Just don’t tag me when it happens.


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