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April 5, 2021

Growing Your Leadership Skills

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.

You may have heard of or described certain individuals as “natural born leaders” in your lifetime. It’s easy to think these individuals were the first toddlers to walk, the leaders of the playground, or the captains of the debate team. Whatever image comes to mind when thinking of a natural-born leader, chances are these individuals had to work on their skills just like any other professional. If you do not picture yourself as a natural-born leader, there are thankfully many ways you can grow your leadership skills.

Apply Advice from Those in Leadership

Oftentimes, the best way to develop leadership skills is by shadowing someone else in a leadership role. Is there a current or prior boss whose skills you can study? Perhaps you have a former colleague who now holds a high managerial position. It would be wise to study the patterns and behaviors of these leaders.

Not only should you study their behaviors, but it would also be helpful to ask them for advice. Admitting the ways you want to grow will help humble you and position you to become an others-focused leader. If these individuals are willing to give you valuable advice, make sure you are then applying it to your career and actively trying to excel in those areas.

Empower Your Teammates

Think back to a time you possibly felt defeated or unmotivated in your job. How did the leaders in your organization make you feel? Did they encourage you and empower you to grow in your role and be the best version of yourself? Or did they instill insecurities in you and talk down on you?

As a leader, you should constantly be empowering your teammates. Even if you do not currently hold a leadership position, you will find yourself becoming much more qualified for this type of role if you actively encourage others throughout all stages of your career. This attitude will not go unnoticed and could eventually lead to career advancements.

Take Initiative

To lead quite literally means to take the initiative. If you find yourself lacking in this area, it might be time to brush up on these skills. Lack of ambition could be creating a large barrier between yourself and your goals. One way to take the initiative is to problem-solve or anticipate a need before it is acknowledged by a larger group. To do so, you must be attentive and focused on the future goals of your establishment. Being able to anticipate these needs before they are a huge issue is a great way to grow as a leader and safeguard your company from any potential problems.

Another way you can take the initiative is by volunteering for opportunities when they come up. Does your office need someone to lead a meeting or volunteer for a new project? It would do you quite well to volunteer for these opportunities and not shy away from additional responsibilities. Don’t try to overload yourself with tasks, but be willing to pick up extra tasks every now and then. This initiative will rub off on your coworkers and inspire others to be more productive.

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