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May 3, 2021

Virtual Volunteer Opportunities That Will Make an Impact

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.

Though vaccinations for COVID-19 are going out in earnest, it’s still vital to maintain social distancing and other safety precautions until we get the all-clear to return to business as usual. Remaining at home for such a long period of time can make a person feel restless, though—that’s why it’s vital to know there are opportunities to get involved with others without having to risk yourself or others. Virtual volunteering is just as important as physically volunteering at a nonprofit organization; here are a few ways you can get involved from the comfort of your own home.

United Nations Volunteers

One nice thing about virtual volunteering is that you’re not limited to your community and any surrounding areas. If worldwide volunteering sounds like it’s up your alley, get connected with United Nations Volunteers. United Nations Volunteers will connect you with organizations aiming for peace that need skills like research, writing, art, and design. They have over 12,000 volunteers from around the world, all lending their skills to organizations far and wide.


If the time you can dedicate to volunteering varies, look no further than Catchfire. Catchfire is a volunteer search tool that’s exclusive to virtual volunteer opportunities. Each opportunity found through Catchfire comes with different timelines, ranging from an hour-long project to a project spanning several weeks. This is perfect for people who wish to help others but can’t guarantee their weekly schedules, letting you help not-for-profit organizations with tasks like photo editing, letter writing, and more.

Translators Without Borders

Are languages something you’re good at? Multilingual people who are fluent in many languages can check out Translators Without Borders. This organization is perfect for people with the language skills to translate important documents and notices; translators for this organization have brought the average translation word count to 10 million words a year. These translations help international organizations with crisis relief, health, and education—among others.

Crisis Text Line

Are you a good listener? Do you want to help someone in a crisis? Becoming a volunteer with Crisis Text Line lets you do just that. The only requirements are that you must be eighteen or over and commit at least four volunteer hours a week. If this is something you can manage, you can be trained for the text line for free. Once training is done, you can clock in any time a day, since the line is available 24/7, to help those in a crisis.

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