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May 29, 2021

What is the definition of love? How can you feel it instantly?

Love is a deep feeling within a person’s heart.

Love is in its purest form, when unconditional, unwavering, and unchanging. However, the word love has been misused to such an extent, that every step of the way, its meaning and its authenticity is questioned.

Why is love subjective, changing, full of expectations, selfish, demanding and much more?

It’s because that’s not love, but attachment. Love without expectation does not exist in the world today.

When love is laden with expectations, it means there is attachment associated with it. People believe that attachment is love! In attachment, there is an expectation of reward, personal gain, selfish motive; and if this reward is not gained, the person feels dejected, upset, angry… In love, there is sincerity, purity, oneness and selflessness; not close-mindedness and personal gain.

The definition of true love:

‘That which increases one moment and decreases the next, is not love: That which resides in the heart and remains the same, is real love.’

Real love does not increase or decrease from moment to moment. The love between two people will decrease if one becomes angry with the other, and they both start to quarrel. Their love will increase once again when one gives flowers to the other. People’s love increases and decreases throughout the day! It fluctuates with their children, their relatives and even for themselves.

Real love can never be found in this worldly life. Real love is divine. Real love begins the moment one begins to understand one’s real Self (the Soul).

Love is when one sees the Self in all living beings. All this is ‘I’, and ‘I’ am in all. Otherwise, one will have to say, ‘you’. If you do not see ‘I’, then you will see ‘you’. Then there will always be a difference between you and others.

It is because of ignorance of their true self, that people have feelings of ‘this is mine and this is yours’. When one acquires knowledge of the Self, one ceases to have feelings of ‘mine and yours’. The warmth of real love is very different, it is divine.

To experience pure love is to see everything with oneness, and act with oneness, without any attachment, expectation or selflessness; without any feeling of division of ‘yours and mine’.

It is only after Self-Realization that one begins to see everyone through the enlightened vision, and not through the vision of the body. Self-realisation connects, whereas the vision of the name and the body creates rifts and divides.

After Self-realisation, we instantly experience the natural flow of love, nothing but love. This love:

  • Does not see faults in others.
  • Has no motives.
  • Is not selfish.
  • Is free of expectations.
  • Is full of compassion.
  • Unites.

Pure love or real love exists where there is no selfishness; there is no feeling of yours-mine’. Wherever there is a feeling of ‘yours-mine’ there is definitely selfishness as well as ignorance of the Self.

To know more on how to experience real love, please click on the link:

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