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August 8, 2021

Balance Wellness with a spiritual mind

This past month I have been practicing a balance between work, home, and building a business. My role at work has developed into a leadership role. My health and wellness business will be starting, and the kids will be back to school soon.

Wellness is the glue that keeps life together.  I love to keep my focus on God’s path for life.

I decided to check out bible plans on YouVersion and found the Bible X: The Wisdom books. This plan reviews four books, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. Listed below is a high-level summary of each book.

Psalms – a book of songs of praises, lament, and thanksgiving

It read like it was a door opening for my soul to recognize God. There are so many expressed emotions through songs. The songs are related to positive or negative life changes we, as people, may go through. At the end of it all, we end up giving God thanks.

Proverbs – explanation of foolish vs. wisdom

These are examples of the day-to-day decisions we have to make in life. We control our environment, social network, and even how we physically take care of our bodies.

Ecclesiastes – teachers point of view on how everything is meaningless

The moral of the book is to be content with what we have and enjoy it in moderation. We also need to understand our limits for our mental and physical.

Job – an example of a man who had it all and lost it with a blink of an eye

Reading Job made me see him as an example of our friend of a friend. You know someone who always has a story to tell that sets an example of how you should or should not be. Job had everything in the world and lost it.  He was Bill Gates rich or Steve Jobs rich.

After I read the books of the Bible I started thinking of my wellbeing. It made me realize we can lose everything we cherish. We can become physically weak and the mind can begin to break down. While we are going through the storm like Job, we can continue praising God. In the end, we may end up getting three times than what we started. Not because we asked for it but because we stayed focus on Him. He tests our faith with good and bad life changes.

How does this equate to our wellness, you ask?

Wellness is the state of being in good health while pursuing your goals. Emotional (mental), environmental, physical, social, and spiritual health are a few examples of wellness.

The mind, body, and soul are a solution to balance life. Studying these books allowed me to solidify the importance of my well-being. Praising Him during good and bad times, thanking Him for seeing another day. Staying in tune with the mind, body, and soul will only provide continuous balance and long healthy life.

If you are interested in learning more about wellness, contact me for a free 30-minute chat.

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