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July 19, 2022

TED Talks That all Philanthropists Should Listen to | Maribeth Jezek

The Ted Talk page is a treasure trove of information, interviews, and speeches specific to subjects. There are countless TED Talks to choose from, but some stand out for their relevance and insightfulness. Here are the best TEDTalks that all philanthropists should listen to.

1. Five Ways to Listen Better

This TED Talk by Julian Treasure is a wonderful and short guide to how to listen better. Interestingly, though, he explores why we listen and how we should listen. It claims that listening engages our mind, which binds us more deeply into an experience.

2. Everyday Leadership By Drew Dudley

“The stories of leaders are all around us. We see them in the media and in our everyday life. We often romanticize leadership and compare our leaders to past greats and eras. Drew Dudley asks us to think about leadership in a new way. He points us toward the everyday. He suggests we look for leadership everywhere; it’s not always obvious. Drew Dudley is a young leader who constantly explores what leadership means and how it applies to his life.

3. The Power of Vulnerability

This TED Talk by Brené Brown is essentially a follow-up to her first one. In it, she explores the topics of vulnerability and shame and how they created her desire to seek approval from others. She explains why vulnerability is a good thing, especially when we think it will weaken us.

4. The Case for Optimism

This Ted Talk by Matt Ridley is essentially a call to action. It’s an interesting perspective on the world and a different way of thinking about the world. After all, if our beliefs affect our lives, why shouldn’t we make them positive?

5. The Power of Storytelling

Malcolm Gladwell is one of my favorite speakers globally. He does not disappoint in this Ted Talk either. He explains how stories can change the world and how important their role is in changing people’s minds.

6. What Makes Us Happy?

Dale Carnegie was a man who had his finger on the pulse of humanity for decades. In this Ted Talk, he gets to the heart of what makes us happy and why our relationships are so important.

7. What Makes a Good Leader?

In this TED Talk, Simon Sinek explains the importance of differentiating between what he calls ‘leaders’ and ‘managers.’ Sinek’s theory is that one of the reasons we are seeing such a revolution in the way people live today is because managers rather than leaders lead an increasing number of people. He believes the world is suffering from a leadership deficit and shares his thoughts on what makes great leaders.

8. The Myth of Self-Satisfaction

This TED Talk by Brene Brown is one of the most popular TED Talks out there, and for a good reason. Brene Brown’s main point is that we have reached a new low when we think we’ve achieved happiness. It’s the ‘Habit of Happiness,’ she calls it.

TED Talks are a great resource for information and inspiration. The themes covered in this article are just a few of the many that are available online. I encourage you to find these talks and listen to them. It will be time well spent.

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