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September 20, 2022

Preserving Your Summer Bounty…The Marian Way

If you planted a garden this spring, chances are you planted tomatoes. This year our tomato plants are producing a record crop. We are enjoying these delicious fruits but can’t eat them fast enough as they are now growing out of our ears! The easiest away to preserve them is to freeze them. A dear friend showed me this method years ago. You will never let another tomato spoil on the counter again. Whether you’ve grown your own or got a great deal on tomatoes at your local farmer’s market this freezer method is so easy. It will save time and money this winter and you will welcome the homegrown flavor in recipes.

Freezing Homegrown Tomatoes

Wash the tomatoes and let dry.

Once dry, place them into FREEZER bags, (not storage bags), squeeze out excess air and seal.

Label bags then pop into the freezer… done!

So simple! No peeling, chopping, blanching, ice bath, etc. The best thing is you can add to the bags every time you have any extra. You can freeze any size or variety together.

How to Use Frozen Tomatoes

Remove the tomatoes from the freezer and thaw in the refrigerator. Once thawed, the skins slip right off. Chop and prepare them for your recipe. They are great in soups, stews, chili, or salsa.

Freezing Homegrown Herbs

Take advantage of preserving homegrown herbs or herbs that you find at your farmers market using a similar freezer method. This too, will save you time and money during the winter months when herbs at the grocer are expensive.

Freeze parsley, cilantro, mint, basil, dill, and celery leaves. I prefer to hang oregano, thyme and rosemary until dried.

How to Freeze Herbs

Wash herbs, remove the stems, freezing only the leaves. Remove the water as much as possible, then wrap in paper towels. Wrap them in small size batches, the amount that you use in a recipe.

Place them into FREEZER bags, (not storage bags), squeeze out excess air and seal.
Label bags then pop into the freezer…done! The herbs are safe in the freezer for 4-6 months.
How to Use Frozen Herbs

Use the frozen herbs in soups, stews, hot dishes, and blended in salad dressing.
The process is easy, and simple and you will enjoy the summer flavors during the winter for all your delicious recipes.

Marian Taylor is the creator of The Marian Way. Her mission is to support people in living a simple, and beautiful lifestyle. As a professional downsizer and relocation specialist for 10+ years she knows firsthand as to what it takes to help people let go of their “excess”, with her time-tested tools, tips, and solutions.

Send questions or comments to: [email protected]

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