January 4, 2023

The NFL is wildly hypocritical and fake about Damar.

The Cruel Truth about Damar that the NFL and many of its fans aren’t admitting.

“It made some fans reaffirm their love for the sport and the community around it. It made others reassess their appetites for football’s inherent violence. It was a dissolution of the fourth wall that tries to keep the game, with all its corporeal risks, in the realm of entertainment.”

There’s a toxic background to this upwelling of genuine support for Damar, brought to us by the same NLF that blacklisted those who stand up (or kneel) for equity.

“You’re kinda hitting on the uncomfortable but obvious fact that the NFL doesn’t give a shiite about Damar, or any NFL player—but it’s overeager to pretend it does.” ~ my comment on a popular reddit post

What’s obvious to all of us who genuinely care about our favorite (and all) football players, here, after years of the NFL not caring about concussions (many deaths and ruined lives result)  is that we are only en masse caring about this because it doesn’t say anything bad about Football.

Let’s care about Damar, *and* the many others killed by football for our pleasure, all.

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