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March 16, 2023

My Brain Is A Vault For 1980’s Workout Tapes

Do you ever hear someone say, I wonder what important information my brain doesn’t accept to hold onto old phone numbers and memories from the past. I think about this a lot. IN fact I remember my first boyfriends phone number like it’s a life line. My friend’s birthdates from elementary school that I no longer even speak to, yeah got those too. I remember clothing I wore upon meeting someone for the first time. And song lyrics to thousands of songs as if they’re some kind of oath written on my soul, forever in my mind.

But the worst. The most embarrassing useless relics living rent free in my mind. Routines from the old workout videos I did on VHS in the late 80’s and 90s. Talk about muscle memory and brain, working in sync to help me retain the talent of grapevining and sashaying across the living room floor in time to some of the worst music I have ever known in my lifetime.

There wasn’t a time quite like it either. Sure the fitness industry is still booming and ever growing and ever changing. I keep up with it all to this day. However the era of the big hair, leotards, endless challenging dance numbers leaving our hearts pounding and our muscles feeling like jelly, that was the best time in fitness, in my opinion. Sure we have Zumba now but honestly nothing hits quite like Jane Fonda telling you to squeeze your buttocks like you’ve got a “Penny, make that a silver dollar” in there to really keep you entertained and coming back  for more.

So tell me in the comments, were you an 80s fitness fanatic? Did you tape ESPN for Denise Austin and Gilad Janklowicz? Did you own leg warmers and leotards and spend an hour a day dancing with the fitness gods? So while it’s a little strange to still remember the the moves by heart, and know the exact timing for what they will say, it just goes to show some level of dedication to fitness and to these pioneers of the fitness industry.

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