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May 12, 2023

What Being a Psychic Medium Has Taught Me (So Far) About life

In my last post, “So You’re a Medium — What’s That Like,?” I talk a bit about my gift, how it happened, and how it continues to evolve. I love doing energy work, and I love connecting with people here, and beyond. Even since writing that post three years ago, I have grown and learned so much. As someone who has felt energy most of her life, has been sharing with others for about 12 years, and has been doing official readings as a psychic medium for the last six years, I can say that spirit has so many beautiful lessons to teach us. It would be impossible to articulate all of them in one blog post, but I will attempt to tell you what being a psychic medium has taught me (so far) about life.

  1. We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff” – It’s easier said than done for sure, but our loved ones on the other side show me constantly that it’s more than just a cliche quote. Working with those who have passed away has taught me that worrying (less) is a really good goal. Even if your loved ones who have passed away were stressed a great deal in life, they are more relaxed and carefree now. They welcome the natural flow of the universe and have learned, through death, that we should stress less and surrender more. Our daily decisions are important, but perhaps not as important as we make them.
  2. The more we can forgive while we are alive, the better. Life is too short and precious to be angry. There’s just nothing worth staying mad about on the other side. So many loved ones who have passed away deliver messages about forgiveness, either wanting to give it, or to receive it, and it is clear that from wherever they are, they believe everyone is deserving of it, especially us.
  3. Releasing what is not serving and/or helping us to be our best selves, is essential. Loved ones are constantly giving me the sign for letting go during readings— they are simply not holding on anymore. So, just as with worry and forgiveness, spirit shows me that I also need to let go. I know I cannot do this work if I don’t. I simply do not have the mental or spiritual space to carry what is not meant for me if I’m going to continue to give to others. Holding on to jealousy, anger, comparison, and other ego-driven emotions, interferes with this work, so even though it’s not always easy to let go, I love this work too much to choose negativity over connection.
  4. Being vulnerable makes us free. As a psychic medium, I am able to spend very sacred, intimate time with people. When I am in someone’s home, or sharing space during an online reading, I feel so lucky to witness the trust, open-mindedness, and authenticity involved. Delivering messages to others while they process, validate, and receive them is an honor and a privilege, and it’s one of the most beautiful things I can think of. Our loved ones admire, support, and appreciate us, and they know how it sometimes is for us to be willing to be raw and real while we embrace the process of communicating with love and light.
  5. Everyone is grieving in some way, and judging less is best. There is absolutely no room for judgment with this work. I don’t care if your house is a mess, or if your life is a mess. We are complex, complicated people living in a complex and complicated world. Spirit energy teaches me that it is best to judge less and accept and understand more. True joy comes when we are working on ourselves and following our own path, not when we are judging ourselves and others.

This gift continues to teach me that our loved ones are around us, here for us, and willing to show up for us. If you are interested in learning more about my work or would like to book a reading, you can check out my Instagram, @salt_and_sage_, or head over to to book a session. If you are intuitive yourself and want to share your experience, I would love to hear about it.

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