Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis is fun, yet fundamentally serious. We aim spread the good news beyond the choir to those who weren’t sure they gave a care. Find us on YouTubeInstagram, & Facebook.

For Waylon’s bio & photo, scroll down below videos. Not finding what you’re looking for? Email us.

Waylon talks with “The Angry Therapist,” John Kim of TAT Lab, a wellness app & community.

Waylon talks with Yoga Pod: How to run an Ethical Studio.

Bio-Hacks for Better Sleep.

Waylon w/ Sharon Salzberg on Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves & the World

A little CBD company with integrity! With my longtime pal Stephen.


Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal, the world’s largest mindfulness community, is a second-generation Buddhist, host of the Walk the Talk Show video series, author of the best-selling “Things I would like to do with You,” and his second book, “It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life.” He’s a mediocre climber, lazy yogi, 365-day bicycle commuter, and aspires to help change our world for the kinder, and have some fun along the way.