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1 Heart it! Alexander Demetrius 19
February 11, 2018
Alexander Demetrius
1 Heart it! 19

What would you do with a daily income of $86,400? It’s is a question that would be easily answered by millions of us. But here’s the catch, the money that remained unspent at the end of the day would not be carried over to the following day’s deposit. Would this influence your answer in any way? Would you feel the pressure to spend or give away more? The final caveat is the money, like life, will stop the moment you left this world.

Now what if I told you that the $86,400 wasn’t money but was instead the number of seconds that are available to each and every one of us within a single day. Does this shift the way you’re now thinking about spending this daily stipend? All the questions I’ve been asking you are the same ones I’ve been asking myself since beginning this journey into the unknown world of self-promotion and travel. I once thought that having money would solve all of my problems. That is until I found myself employed by a number of wealthy individuals who’s problems were typically proportionately aligned with their level of income. In short, more money more problems.

Without giving away too much insight into these lives I was once privy to, the headaches that accompanied many of these individuals were due to a lack of time; a commodity all of their wealth couldn’t buy them more of. So in a weird way, being around money gave me the courage to look past it in order to find the true source of happiness in Life; living it on my own terms, and doing so to the fullest. Now living life to the fullest can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But for me, it simply means taking advantage of every opportunity that is afforded to me within those 86, 400 seconds which only seem to be ticking by faster the older I become.

I can remember a time when envy for anyone who seemingly had more than me consumed every fiber of my being. And for what? Hating people for having more never gave me more of anything but heartache and strife. So what was the solution to overcoming this debilitating habit? Gratitude. The moment I began giving thanks for what little I had, a shift began to occur within me who’s effect is still with me to this very day. Instead of seeing what I didn’t have, gratitude opened my eyes to recognizing everything that Life was giving me from the moment I my eyes opened each and every morning.

Now armed with a new sense of self, it wasn’t long before purpose soon followed. The day I decided to start promoting, “The Reward Of Not Knowing,” the book I had just published, by utilizing whatever means that were available to me, no one suddenly appeared at my door and told me to do so. Instead, the spark started from within me. I looked around my tiny room I rented and wondered about what could be possible if I exercised a little bit of faith, patience and persistence. And like that, the idea of starting Facebook Live videos became the first, most exciting thing I had total control over. And what is excitement but energy. And energy is always seeking higher and higher levels of itself. So if I wanted to live an exciting life, seeking higher and higher forms of thought and creative insight would have to become a staple in my daily routine.

Don’t get me wrong. The process is ongoing and some days my best is not as good as others. But we all gotta crawl before we can run. And just like any form of strength training, we develop whatever our energy gets put into much like weights, when utilized properly, can develop muscle tissue. So it is my desire for anyone reading this to cast away old, debilitating beliefs and habits of thought that are keeping you stuck.

Life has given each and every one of us 86,400 seconds in a day to create either the life of our dreams or continue to live out the nightmare of regret and torment. No one can tell you what your path to bliss is, but people like myself, who are committed to living the best version of ourselves on a daily basis can serve as a means of inspiration to uplift others. Besides, contrary to popular belief, there is plenty of room at the top, but no one can take you by the hand and place you there. It all begins with that little spark within that’s just aching to set the world on fire.

Love & Aloha,

Alexander Demetrius

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1 Heart it! Alexander Demetrius 19
1 Heart it! 19

rmoore0013 Feb 11, 2018 5:04am

Well said Alexander – we should all express gratitude for each and every moment that we have in our own lives rather than comparing ourselves to others – we have not and never will walk in another person’s shoes – we should appreciate and enjoy our own journey rather than being jealous of others success – life is way to short and can be taken away so quickly to waste our time in this way – we all have the opportunity to chase our dreams or do whatever else that makes us happy each and every moment of the day – great post – cheers – Rich

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