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In reply to Waylon’s vaccune tweet

0 Heart it! Tracy Langford 9
September 18, 2018
Tracy Langford
0 Heart it! 9

In reply to Waylon’s measles post.

We all love Waylon. And we all love what he has created here – a fantastic, open minded, creative outlet where we share ideas and knowledge and solutions. The world is honestly a better, brighter place for Waylon Lewis and Elephant Journal.

I have been following Waylon’s journey as he currently tours Europe. I feel strangely proud of him as he ventures out of boulder and the Elephant Journal HQ to see the big beautiful world!

But a couple of weeks ago he posted this:

’magical thinking might be fun, but it has serious consequences – be it the return of measles thx to the anti-vaxxers…science and facts matter whether you like it or not.’

And it stopped me in my tracks.

Why would Waylon want to interfere with what I do or do not allow to happen to my child’s body?

And why is Waylon afraid of measles?

I used to vaccinate my healthy child. He had a bad reaction to one at just 8 weeks of age, but I thought nothing of it. He suddenly became allergic to peanuts by the time he was 6 months old (I used to eat PB&J sandwiches over his head while he nursed and he had no strange reactions) and I thought nothing of it.

But one day a conversation with my nutritionist made me do a bit of research. And I will never allow him or myself to be vaccinated ever again.

Measles can kill. Yes this is true. But before the measles vaccine was introduced did you know that, due to improved hygiene and access to fresh healthy food the number of deaths from measles in the US was just 0.08%? And this was back in the 1960’s!

‘But don’t we vaccinate the healthy kids to protect the weak?’ I hear you ask. 

Let’s talk herd immunity. 

This phrase was around long before vaccines, originally it meant that everyone caught illnesses like measles, even going as far as having measles parties! Yes, if you were a healthy kid and a friend caught measles you would go to their house in order to contract the illness. First sign of feeling poorly in the following weeks and you would be kept home (quarantined) for the prescribed amount of time and treated by your caregiver.

You see, vaccines are 94% effective and only last for 10 years.

Contracting the illness guarantees you lifelong immunity which mums pass on to babies in their milk. Thus the weaker members of society are protected as much as possible.

A big reason not to vaccinate may be controversial but is nonetheless relevant and important.

Have you read the inserts? The long list of vaccine side effects? It’s a frightening read of thousands of possible risks to your baby such as; anaphylaxis, …..

These side effects are not just a risk for more vulnerable kids, they happen to the strong and healthy children too.

By the age of 1, here in the UK every child receives a whopping 13 vaccines. 

So if the risk is so big for kids, why put the most important people in our society – the strong, healthy children who are our future and best hope – at risk of vaccine injury in order to ‘protect’ the weaker and older members of society? 

I’m not saying we shouldn’t protect our more vulnerable adults and kids. What I am saying is if a child shows signs of being ill, quarantine them. Keep them home until they get better – be that a day or a fortnight. 

Does that seem extreme?

What’s extreme to me is putting our healthy kids at risk of scary vaccine side effects because society won’t allow us paid leave to care for sick dependents. So we send them to daycare/school anyway and cross our fingers that they don’t have something that could harm or kill a more vulnerable person or child.

For anyone interested in learning more I recommend the following steps:

Learn about the illnesses you are vaccinating against. 

What are the risks? 

How can the illness be treated? 

How can we use diet, sunlight and fresh air to strengthen the immune system? 

It’s amazing that society has forgotten how to treat once common illnesses and this may be why some kids do still die from measles. It’s very treatable if you know how, and if you know when to seek medical advice.

Learn about the vaccines that are on offer. How effective are they? What are the ingredients? And the possible side effects? 

How do the risk of illness and risk of vaccine weigh up against each other?

I’m not going to talk about aluminium, aborted foetus cells, synthetic DNA, autism, mercury, how some illnesses make kids stronger, or anything else this is heavily disputed. 

All I recommend people do is really educate themselves on the facts – risks of vaccines and risks/treatment of illnesses. 

And Waylon, enjoy the rest of your holiday! I hope you find the woman you have been searching for, and when you do have kids I genuinely hope that you read the vaccine insert 🙂

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0 Heart it! Tracy Langford 9
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