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The rising of the feminine energy in one EPIC VIDEO!

1 Heart it! Layla El Khadri 19
September 20, 2018
Layla El Khadri
1 Heart it! 19

It is time to restore balance on the planet!

Women and men from all walks of life and all places on earth are rising their voices for justice and liberation. 

You are being called to join a movement to bring Feminine Energy back to its sovereign place.

This short film, featuring dancers and artists from all over the world, calls for the rise of the Feminine qualities that exists outside of gender. For the first time in history, men are taking an essential part in the rising of the half of our human nature: the Feminine.

Feminine Energy refers to virtues associated with the feminine polarity such as compassion, inclusion, nurture, flow, intuition, and care. Its counterpart, the Masculine Energy is direct, driven, structured and purposeful. These energies manifest within our planet and within each of us, and when they are in harmony we can thrive.

Thousands of years of suppression of the Feminine by the patriarchy have driven our planet completely out of balance.

Today have the opportunity to truly understand this. We can transcend the individual ego battle and work together toward a better reality for the entire human family. In order to be whole human beings, we must embrace our wholeness.

The rise of the Feminine is a calling for a planetary revolution, a movement of human awakening within each and every individual to embody our human potential, bringing us back to empowerment and personal freedom by allowing the half of us that was suppressed to now rise and express.

We heal the planet by becoming the solution.


The Story Behind the Video


A year ago, I met a very inspiring woman who would change my life with her presence: Monique Wilson, Global Director of One Billion Rising. We embarked on a collaboration to conceive a video in support of the revolutionary mission of OBR: ending violence against women and girls around the world.

What Monique asked me to do was create a video that reminded the planet of what the feminine energy is and how this energy must rise if we wish to end the world of violence that we have created.

This creation invited me to re-connect with my own feminine energy: re-learning to trust and listen to my intuition.

Being a purpose-driven artist and directing a film in a world overly saturated by images, was a huge challenge for me.

Often, I found myself trying too hard, forcing the flow or losing my faith and doubting if the world would understand the message.

There were times I felt the weight of this project was too difficult for me to carry.  But the fierce desire to embody my own feminine energy and make a positive impact brought me to always come back to trust.

One of the main characteristics of the feminine is inclusion, collaboration, and co-creation. The creation of this project showed me the potent power of sisterhood.

Just when I was about to quit, two women, Maria Teresa Chavez and Seraina Duveen, showed up as creative doulas making Rise possible.

The message was clear, we are not meant to rise alone. We are powerful together, and our overly individualistic society has still a lot to learn when it comes to collaboration.

Yet, something was missing – the masculine. This project about restoring balance was itself, out of balance. Gianluca Fellini, an Italian filmmaker and yoga teacher, came to join the project and moved me with his sentiment:

“You’re leaving out half of the problem and half of the solution.

If you want to inspire humanity to end violence and restore balance,

you need men to be a part of this Rising.”


I realized if I want to offer a message of balance, I must EMBODY that balance!

I opened my heart, trusted my intuition, and called in the men. Artists, change makers and epic humans showed up with profound patience, deep understanding of the feminine and a willingness to listen and share.

Together, the entire team went through a process of months of dialog and movement research to discover what it meant to embody and portrait such abstract concept: the rising of the half of our human essence. (Soon we will release a documentary to share this process.)

Now, men and women were ready to embody the Rise of the Feminine.

The rest was ‘easy’. We set cameras, flew drones, gathered the horses and prayed that the tropical rain of Bali allowed us to film.

This piece goes into the world together with our deepest prayers that Humanity is ready to understand the message that we wish to give:

We have come to change a state of mind called patriarchy into a state of being called oneness.

We have come to let love win each and every battle.

The Feminine is present within each one of us, let it Rise!

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1 Heart it! Layla El Khadri 19
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