Holiday Anxiety is Real.
But there’s an effective way through ..
From the comfort of your own damn couch. Accept our very special offer to find some light >>
Raised by wolves, Aram has had great difficulty finding his way in the world.
He might be an artist, or a wizard. As he is constantly finding himself innondated with beauty and magic.
His life is a Kaleidoscope of colors and sound and incongruent events that is only now starting to make any sense.
He has so many stories to tell. Funny stories, sad stories, stories to make you sit up and say “No Way!”
He hopes to sort these threads and storylines into something meaningful or entertaining.
The last 9 years have been a time of profound changes. Allowing him a unique opportunity to build a life of freedom and magic, if he can just rise to the opportunity.
He currently lives somewhere between San Francisco and the south of France. He’s not sure yet.