Timely Topics for April, 2023

Spring! Vegan recipes! Parenting! Climate crisis! Politics! Health care! Eco-Travel Tips! What else?

All month: National Poetry Month, Stress Awareness Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Autism Awareness Month, Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, Elephant’s “Planet Over Plastic” Month

April 1: April Fools’ Day
April 2: World Autism Awareness Day, Palm Sunday
April 4: Parinirvana of Chogyam Trungpa
April 5: Passover begins
April 6: Full Pink Moon
April 7: U.N. World Health Day
April 9: Easter Sunday
April 10: National Siblings Day
April 12: International Day of Pink
April 13: International Plant Appreciation Day
April 14: Day of Silence
April 15: Jackie Robinson Day
April 20: New Moon, Happy 420!
April 22: Earth Day, Lyrids Meteor Shower
April 23: World Book Day
April 24-30: World Immunization Week
April 29: Independent Bookstore Day

Notable birthdays: Maya Angelou (April 4), Ram Dass (April 6), William Wordsworth (April 7), Queen Elizabeth, Charlotte Bronte, John Muir (April 21), William Shakespeare (April 23), Harper Lee (April 28)

Any other holidays or birthdays or death-days or anniversaries of great events—go for it! And as always we would love to see more articles about genuine spirituality, eco-responsibility, permaculture, mindful parenting, of-benefit politics, anything timely/newsie that is a gateway to mindfulness, yoga with integrity, and equal rights beyond aggression.

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