Timely Topics for July, 2021

Roe v. Wade! Human rights! Summer themes! Sunscreen! Every Child Matters! Black Lives Matter! Reading! Rest! Family! Climate crisis! Recipes!

All month: National Hemp Month

July 1: Canada Day
July 2: International Free Hugs Day
July 4: Independence Day
July 12: Malala Day
July 13: Full Buck Moon
July 16: Waylon Lewis’ birthday! Elephant’s 20th birthday!
July 18: Nelson Mandela Day
July 24: Parents’ Day (United States)
July 28: New Moon & World Nature Conservation Day
July 29: International Tiger Day
July 30: International Day of Friendship

Notable birthdays:

Dalai Lama, Frida Kahlo (July 6), E.B. White (July 11), Henry David Thoreau (July 12), Pema Chödrön (July 14), Nelson Mandela (July 18) Ernest Hemingway & Robin Williams (July 21), Beatrix Potter (July 28), J.K. Rowling (July 31)

Any other holidays or birthdays or death-days or anniversaries of great events—go for it! And as always we would love to see more articles about genuine spirituality, eco-responsibility, permaculture, mindful parenting, of-benefit politics, anything timely/newsie that is a gateway to mindfulness, yoga with integrity, and equal rights beyond aggression

Inspired? Submit here.

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