Timely Topics for June, 2024

Happy Pride! Gun reform! Summer themes! Recipes! Travel! Politics! 

All month: Pride, Men’s Health Month, Gun Violence Awareness, Alzheimer’s Awareness, African-American Music Appreciation Month, National Oceans Month, National Migraine and Headache Awareness, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness

June 3: World Bicycle Day
June 5: World Environment Day
June 6: D-Day Anniversary, New Moon
June 8: World Oceans Day, National Best Friends Day
June 9: International Children’s Day
June 14: Flag Day (United States), World Blood Donor Day
June 16: Father’s Day, Tony Awards
June 19: Juneteenth
June 20: Summer Solstice, World Refugee Day
June 21: Full Strawberry Moon, International Yoga Day, World Music Day
June 23: United Nations Public Service Day, International Widows Day
June 24: Midsummer Day
June 27: PTSD Awareness Day
June 28: Stonewall Riots Anniversary

Notable Birthdays: Marilyn Monroe (June 1), Prince, Nikki Giovanni (June 7), Anne Frank (June 12), Anne Morrow Lindbergh (June 22), George Orwell (June 25), Helen Keller (June 27), Antoine de Saint-Exupery (June 29)

Any other holidays or birthdays or death-days or anniversaries of great events—go for it! And as always we would love to see more articles about genuine spirituality, eco-responsibility, permaculture, mindful parenting, of-benefit politics, anything timely/newsie that is a gateway to mindfulness, yoga with integrity, and equal rights beyond aggression.

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